Saturday, December 19, 2009

By the power of the internet!

This is my stove top. Yesterday I was doing a thorough cleaning where I removed all of the burner tops and scrubbed everything down. About a half hour after I got done, I heard a clicking sound. So after some investigating, I found that all of the ignitors were trying to spark. Every 45 seconds or so they would 'click' and spark. Even turning on the burner didn't stop the 'clicking'.
At this point I began to get a little freaked. I mean, this is gas and fire we're talking about. What if I got cleaner down into the ignitor and it ruined something? Normally, I would have immediately called a repair man, who would have come out, charged me an arm and a leg for something simple. So since I am trying to be frugally conservative and a take charge kind of woman, I simply looked it up on line. What did I google you ask? I typed in 'I cleaned my gas stove top and now it wont stop clicking'. Seriously. And low and behold I had over 100 matching responses. Gotta love Google.
Just about everything that I read said that the ignitor had simply gotten wet and needed to dry out. It suggested unplugging the range, taking everything off, and pointing a fan at it to dry it out. So I followed their suggestions. I let it dry out for 24 hours. And sure enough, when I plugged it back in the clicking had stopped. It was back to normal and I had saved myself the repair bill.

Friday, December 18, 2009

New puppy

This is our new puppy Moose. We got him from the SPCA 2 weeks ago. Isn't he just adorable? We decided this year instead of everyone in the house buying each other presents we would get a family present. We have been talking about getting another dog, and after searching the SPCA website, we decided on Moose.

I was really surprised at the number of puppies that they had there. I guess with all of the foreclosures and people having to move there are an abundance of older dogs and puppies being voluntarily surrendered or abandoned.

If you're looking for a cheap Christmas present for the family, and looking for a new addition for the family. Check out your local SPCA. On their websites they have pictures and descriptions of all of the animals so you can get an idea of which animal would fit perfectly into your family. The prices are usually $50-$150, and that includes full shots, micro chipped and either neutered or spayed. It's an amazing deal that also helps give a homeless animal a new start.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My latte factor

On my new found adventures at my local public library, I am exploring self help and financial aid books. Being in my mid-thirties I realize i'm a little late when it comes to start saving for my future and retirement. But as they say, better late than never, right?

I only started this book a few days ago, but so far i'm really enjoying it's lessons. I'm sure everyone has heard of the latte factor. It's that little spending we do everyday, that 5 dollars here, 10 dollars there, that we could be putting aside into savings! So I sat down last night and tried to come up with my own latte factor. I only work 3 days a week right now, so for 4 days I eat all 3 meals at home. We have already tried to cut back on our spending by only eating out once a month and only going out to the movies once a month. On the 3 days that I do go to work I usually stop by McDonald's and buy a x-large sweet tea. I work midnight to 7am so the sugar helps keep me going throughout the night. They only cost me $2.07 a day. But I can make a 2 gallon pitcher at home for the same amount, which would save me $4.17 a week. The idea is that every little bit adds up, so i'm going to try this this week.

The book states that if you're starting later in your life, say mid thirties through your fifties, then you need to double up on your latte factor. Cut out those extras that say 10 years ago you didn't even know existed but now you don't think you could live with out. Again, having cut my income in half, I have already gone through my personal budget and cut out all the extras that were costing me, such as manicures, massages and trips to the bookstore. I have reassessed my budget and to be honest there isn't allot more I can cut out to claim as a latte factor. But in the spirit of the book, I have decided to set aside $35 a week straight out of my paycheck (that's $5 a day), to set aside and save. I will take this out first thing and figure out my weekly budget afterwards. My only concern is those rainy day mishaps that seem to drain the life out of my savings account. I'm hoping the book will address those issues later.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chicken Noodle Soup

Tis the time of year for colds and flus. And what's better when you're all stuffed up and icky than a hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. And a bowl that's super cheap to make too.

Every week I boil 2 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts to be used in various meals.

Simply throw the chicken in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil.

If you're going to make a pot of soup with your chicken broth, be sure to add some chicken bouillon to the water before it starts boiling. Add to taste.

After the chicken is fully cooked, remove from pot. I usually take one breast and shred with a fork. (The rest of the chicken gets put into the fridge for later meals). Put the chicken back into the pot and turn heat to a medium.

No soup is perfect without a few veggies. I usually like to add 2 or 3 carrot stalks and 2 celery stalks.

Season to taste.

I use a whole bag of noodles. I usually wait until I can find these on sale for under $1.00 and stock up. Add noodles to the pot and turn heat to high. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low and let simmer (stirring occasionally) for about 45 minutes.
Voila. Simple and good.
The thing about this that I have enjoyed the most is that since I make a pot every week (one pot usually makes about 6 servings) I have seperated and frozen most of the soup into individual plastic containers. With everyone catching colds and not feeling well, I have been able to take just about everyone 2-3 bowls of homemade chicken noodle soup! A perfect get well present.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Visit your local Library

I am an avid reader. On average I read 2-4 books a week. The past few years I have bought my books new at bookstores or used at used bookstores or yard sales. Lately, with a tightening of my 'fun' budget, I decided to visit the local library.
I had no idea that you could request books! Las Vegas is a pretty big town and we have alot of libraries. I was really excited to learn that you could go online and request any book sent to your local branch. This saves time and gas! Plus I was able to request an entire series that seemed to be scattered all over the city (one book here, one book there). They also have cd's and dvd's, which are great for free entertainment!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Canvas grocery totes

I had to go down to my State Farm office to sign some paperwork last week and they gave me 2 canvas totes as a 'free gift' for being a valuable customer. Free and great for the environment! Alot of places are giving these away as promotions during the holiday season. Stock up!