Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Visit your local Library

I am an avid reader. On average I read 2-4 books a week. The past few years I have bought my books new at bookstores or used at used bookstores or yard sales. Lately, with a tightening of my 'fun' budget, I decided to visit the local library.
I had no idea that you could request books! Las Vegas is a pretty big town and we have alot of libraries. I was really excited to learn that you could go online and request any book sent to your local branch. This saves time and gas! Plus I was able to request an entire series that seemed to be scattered all over the city (one book here, one book there). They also have cd's and dvd's, which are great for free entertainment!


  1. I know you're right, but I really love my kindle!
    Thanks for visiting me on my SITS day, meant a lot to me ;)

  2. I LOVE my library. I'm way too cheap to buy books, unless it's one I love and think I will read over and over again. I, too, read several books a week and that just adds up to way too much!

  3. I should practice the art of checking out books from my local library. I just love the ownership. I know, that's no excuse...and you know, I've told myself time and again that I would only read books I could get at the library and then if I really enjoyed them, consider buying. Haven't really adapted to that yet... :-/

  4. My husband and I love the library! We go every week and yes, we are cheap. Before we met, my husband never went to the library. He'd actually buy books and was so excited when I showed him how the library worked. It's great that we can order specific books and they get them for us to pick up nearby!

  5. I love love love libraries! Sadly our only english speaking library here is sorely lacking and I have also developed a slight fetish for owning piles of books. I seem to spend all my money on them!

    My lifelong dream has always been to be a librarian, just imagine being surrounded by those books all day! *swoons*

    Stopping by from SITS!

  6. Support your local library! :) Love it. My husband writes library software--Evergreen. So we LOVE the library around here.

  7. We love reserving books online as well as movies. My husband calls the library our video and book service. They contact via e-mail when it is ready. It is awesome!

    Stopping from SITS!
